Calculates the maximum width, this is calculated by first
collecting the depth of each node and tip across the entire tree, where the
depth represents the distance (in nodes) to the root. Then, the width
represents the number of occurrences of each possible depth. The maximal
width then returns the maximum number of such occurences.
max_width(phy, normalization = "none")
- phy
phylogeny or ltable
- normalization
"none" or "tips", in which case the resulting statistic
is divided by the number of tips in the tree.
C. Colijn and J. Gardy. Phylogenetic tree shapes resolve disease
transmission patterns. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health,
2014(1):96-108, 2014. ISSN 2050-6201. doi: 10.1093/emph/eou018.