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Balance metric that uses the Shannon-Wiener statistic of information content. The b2 measure is given by the sum over the depths of all tips, divided by 2^depth: sum Ni / 2^Ni. Although also defined on non-binary trees, the treestats package only provides code for binary trees.


b2(phy, normalization = "none")



phylo object or ltable


"none" or "yule", when "yule" is chosen, the statistic is divided by the Yule expectation, following from theorem 3.7 in Bienvenu 2020.


Maximum depth (in number of edges)


K.-T. Shao and R. R. Sokal. Tree Balance. Systematic Zoology, 39(3):266, 1990. doi: 10.2307/2992186.

Bienvenu, François, Gabriel Cardona, and Celine Scornavacca. "Revisiting Shao and Sokal’s $$ B_2 $$ B 2 index of phylogenetic balance." Journal of Mathematical Biology 83.5 (2021): 1-43.